Beautiful day of Hiking

Beautiful day of hiking 

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Hiking up towards Mauka

Its been a beautiful sunny morning.  Me and my other half decided we needed to get our sweat on and regain some mana.  We decided to go hiking towards Mauka.  We took our mountain bikes and rode on the trail.  It was a nice, smooth ride, till riding up hill.  I felt my legs burning.  I dont ride bike much often, I just bought us a bike on craigslist. Got a bike for 2 for $250.  That was a deal!.  Im glad I got on that deal. We rode bike then left it somewhere deep in the bushes, so we could go walk on trail where we couldn't ride our bikes.     

On our beautiful hike, we found some cool things.  I always love and picking things, and taking pictures of beautiful nature.  

Strawberry Guava

On our hike, we got to pick and eat some ripened guava.  It was so good.  Haven't had fresh guava in a while.  Im usually carefull when eating guave.  I try not to pick the over ripe ones because there's always, always, squirmy little things inside the fruit.  Its called maggots or fruit worms.  Gross!

Herbal Goodness Guava Products

I like to pick the half ripened ones.  Although they are not so sweet as the fully ripened ones.  I've been wanting to make some homemade guava jelly, or savory guava chutney, but been so busy with everything else.  Like creating more handmade jewelry, keeping up with my blog, posting my creations, and having to deal with my teenage girls, animals, gardening, exercise, home, cleaning, cooking, orders, sales, shipping on time, and everything else.😀 Yes, I'm busy.  Sometimes I over frazzle myself.  My office table is looking like its part crafting table. Its a mess.  Need to get organized.  But I love being busy, love to work, now Im working for myself.  Now that Im working for myself, Im busy, very busy, but I feel like I get a lot done. "Sometimes"   

It felt good to go on a hike.  Its nice to get outside.  I always try to avoid the crowd and traffic.  Going on hikes or to the beach is my go to places to go. 

Pua Hau Maika'i Beautiful Hau flower

Hau flower is so beautiful. Its part of the hibiscus family.  The Hau tree is very useful in 
many ways.  The branch of the Hau is used for making Hawaiian homes,  garden structures, crafting, and used for rope making.  The flower is also edible.  I eat it while hiking.  Just take the petals off and eat!. Its very good for you.  I keep telling myself to make a Hau flower salad someday.  I will have to do that and add it to my blogs.  Please keep updated on recipes.  I keep mentioning recipes in my blog.  I'm not camera orientated, but I'm getting there.  

Beautiful pink flower 

Deep in the jungle

Beautiful purple flower

I just love capturing vibrant, colorful flowers!


We found mushrooms on our hike.  Finally found some.  We got to eat some mushrooms on the way back to our bike from our hike.  It wasn't much, to make us trip, but it was a good feeling.  I was feeling warm, happy, and tingly.

That was my day of hiking and relaxing.  Went home, showered, relax, and got to go eat out. We had a beautiful day with no kids, no responsibility and no work to deal with .
We got to go out and eat dinner.  Went to the Sea Restaurant at the Harbor Mall and had some beers and sushi.  Beautiful Day.  💜
